Time constraints and uncertainty around wider applicability are potential problems with studies such as the one conducted at Perpetual Guardian. Since the 4-day program was only implemented in November 2018, there is no way to tell if a longer time horizon would…
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US Labour Share of GDP
The world economy cannot sustain itself if the majority of its participants are experiencing a decline in real income. Since inequality is not a self-evident vice, this raises the stakes…
Indian Consumption and Investment as a Percentage of GDP
With elections looming in April/May, the Modi administration has recently released an interim Union Budget proposing policies that offer a rebate to taxpayers earning up to 500,000 rupees (7000 USD), benefitting…
February 2019
The sound and fury of the current debate is obscuring the possibility for stable global growth for the foreseeable future…..
Change in Corruption Perception Index
In the midst of a turbulent international political landscape, the United Kingdom and United States are deemed major casualties of increasing corruption, according…
Shrinkflation and the Importance of Measured, Honest Analysis
Caution must always be exercised when making definitive statements about economic developments, something especially true of unwieldy, nationwide aggregations of trends in markets as large and diverse as consumer goods. Headlines such as…