In general, women hold more ISAs than men (an average of 52% across ISA products), however in every year displayed, men are more likely to opt for stocks and shares ISAs when they do invest in ISAs. The number of men subscribing to new ISAs has fallen in recent years, reflecting an increased appetite for other, higher-risk investments…
Chart of the Week: Eurozone Companies’ Plans to Withdraw UK Investment
The chart shows a very pessimistic view of investment in the UK as a result of Brexit. On average, over three-quarters of companies headquartered in the displayed nations have stated their intention to move at least some of their investments out of the UK as a result of Brexit.
Chart of the Week: 20th June 2018: Home Ownership vs House Price to Earnings Ratio
Last year saw the emergence of five London boroughs where houses ‘earned’ more in a year than their owners; most starkly in Barnet, where on average home-owners earned £54.6k net whereas their homes grew in value by nearly £107k.
Chart of the Week: June 2018: Explore Changes to the UK Economy
The charts show key changes in the UK economy… click to find out more!
May 2018
Since putting pen to paper in February, there has been a more than usual amount of trivia in the headlines. The global economic expansion has steadied and in many areas, the rapid growth of last year has dropped to more realistic single digit figures…
February 2018
As many of you know, I have always been fascinated by China, a country that in the Middle Ages led the world in technology and then became paralysed by bureaucracy until the 20th century when …