We are in the last quarter, the future for North America looks good, Europe confused, China difficult and countries reliant on the production of commodities gloomy. The West and Russia, however….
January 2015
A view of the world must include a reference to the Ukraine. This unholy mess is potentially a major headwind for European stability and it is difficult to see how it can be resolved. Hopefully at the least it can be contained and possible discussions that are scheduled …
November 2014
These enormous economic changes leave us with a certainty that predicting the course of events is a lot more difficult and policies that try to maintain the status quo are doomed. This is particularly relevant in Europe where….
May 2014
Barring a political miscalculation in the Ukraine and provided the conflict in the Middle East does not spread further into Saudi, the Gulf States and Turkey, we should see a steady improvement to the economic world for the time being….