The Middle East continues to polarise along sectarian lines with Isis’s announcement of the establishment of a caliphate – or new Islamic State. The leadership of this organisation appears to be highly sophisticated and a lot…
May 2014
Barring a political miscalculation in the Ukraine and provided the conflict in the Middle East does not spread further into Saudi, the Gulf States and Turkey, we should see a steady improvement to the economic world for the time being….
March 2014
With spring in the air, we should be seeing economies improve, albeit at different rates. It is certainly likely that those in work and businesses will put the foot on the accelerator…..
October 2013
The light at the end of this particular tunnel is the hope that our political classes will get the message that less legislation, less pandering to vested interests and more concentration on balanced budgets might be politically popular. Always looking for this elusive light, one can only hope…..
June 2013
The wild card in the world economy is Europe. One can be more sanguine about China as they have huge resource in both financial and, more importantly, senior government intellectual competence. The greatest worry for the rest of the year, and well into next year, will be the European experiment. Youth unemployment in southern Europe, in many areas…
May 2013
The UK Government continues to muddy the waters of recovery. The lack of political leadership along with incoherent economic and infrastructure policies is not helpful. Political attacks on business do not encourage investment, political polarisation and slanging matches over Europe are also not helpful. The lack of government grip discredits the…