It’s difficult not to worry about Europe and Brexit where, on the one side twenty-seven governments, particularly when they are led by recalcitrant Brussels bureaucracy, are unlikely to be able to unanimously…
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Chart of the Week: Week 34, 2017: Historical Support for Tax Rises v.s. Corporation tax, VAT and Personal Allowance
The chart shows that support for the raising of taxes to extend public services had been waning steadily between 1997 and 2009.
Chart of the Week: Week 33, 2017: UK Houseprice Growth since the Financial Crash
This chart shows that London house price growth over the last decade has far outstripped all other regions in the UK, with areas of staggering growth such as Hackney, which rose 120%.
Chart of the Week: Week 32, 2017: GDP per Capita v.s. Net Migration
This chart plots 31 countries according to the level of GDP and net migration relative to their populations.
Chart of the Week: Week 31, 2017: Historic Graduate and Apprentice Share by Work Sector
This chart shows the increasing graduate share and declining apprenticeship share in the workforce within selected work sectors since the late 1980s.
Chart of the Week: Week 30, 2017: Household Debt v.s. Interest Rates and CPI
The base rate climbed steadily to 5.5% in 2008 before the global financial crash, after which it plummeted to 1.5% within one year as the Bank attempted to stimulate investment and consumption.