The decade leading up to the 2008 financial crisis was characterised by a very high real effective exchange rate, but also a period of serious decline for the UK manufacturing sector.
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Chart of the Week: Week 39, 2014: European Government Deficits
UK public sector finances were released yesterday, showing that the deficit so far this financial year is higher than last year.
Chart of the Week: Week 38, 2014: UK Trade Balance
Last week it was reported that the UK’s balance of trade deficit increased to an estimated £3.3bn in July, compared to £2.4bn the previous month.
Chart of the Week: Week 37, 2014: Sterling Exchange Rate
With the Scottish independence referendum due to take place next week, a poll released a few days ago suggesting that the “Yes” vote might actually win sparked panic, causing a fall in the value of the pound.
Chart of the Week: Week 36, 2014: EU Unemployment Comparison
Eurostat published their unemployment update at the end of last week, showing that the rate across the EU28 has fallen from 10.9% last year to 10.2% in July.
Chart of the Week: Week 35, 2014: Public Sector Net Borrowing
Government financial statistics were released at the end of last week, showing that public sector net borrowing was higher in the first third of the financial year than in any other since 2010.