The public wants the NHS to stay in public control, but banks to stay private.
Latest Blogposts
May 2017
In the UK, the Prime Minister sprung a completely unexpected election. On analysis,
it was called for understandable reasons, however, it was a brave move. The Prime
Minister’s negotiating position…
Chart of the Week: Week 19, 2017: Public Sector Receipts v.s. Spending
The current state of taxation receipts and public spending in the UK.
Chart of the Week: Week 18, 2017: Global FinTech Hubs by Market and Staff Size
The FinTech industry in London and in New York clearly benefit from their proximity to global banking centres although London commands the lion’s share of the market, estimated to be £6.6 billion.
Chart of the Week: Week 17, 2017: Households of 25-34 year-olds by Tenure
The chart shows that 2011/12 marked the point that home-owning 25-34 year olds were no longer in the majority, surpassed by those that rent privately.
Ros Altmann
Wednesday 24th May 2017:
The Unintended Effects of Quantitative Easing