At its latest meeting, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) chose to hold the Bank Rate steady at 5%. While inflation has retreated towards the Bank’s target levels, economic growth has stalled, and key sectors are exhibiting signs of weakness. Given these developments, it is worth examining whether maintaining the current interest rate is the optimal […]
How Housing and Planning Influence Economic Growth
Prof. Paul Cheshire
The UK Budget and Tax Policy
Prof. Judith Freedman
August 2024
by Damon de Laszlo, ERC Chairman Since July there seems to have been a rollercoaster of news, word-bites and generally irrelevant hysteria, but during the month no fundamentals seem to have changed, except that the trends that were nascent are beginning to appear more solid. Inflation across the world is declining, it would seem […]
July 2024
by Damon de Laszlo, ERC Chairman As is often the case, we seem to be at a tipping point – the moment when the tide, having gone out, hasn’t apparently started to come back in, is very much the feeling I have when I look at inflation. It is basically receding – prices of […]
June 2024
by Damon de Laszlo, ERC Chairman The weather at last gives some uplift to the spirits and helps with optimism, making it more difficult to address the underlying economic problems that we still face. Elections in the UK have deteriorated into political farce, with the two major parties playing a sort of game of […]