1. = Arthur Turner 91 (3) 2. Ava 92 (5) 3. Sophie Long 98 (2) 4. = Harvey Nkrumah 99 (1) 5. Maddy Greenly 99 (2) 6. Caroline 99 (6) 7. Ben Cossey 101 (1) 8. Grace Chan 101 (11) 9. George Webb 102 (0) 10. Dyle Guo 103 (1) 11. Tobias Spencer 105 (4) […]
Chart of the Week
As we near the deadline for Clash of the Titans entries, we thought we’d provide you with a sense of the economic outlook moving through 2023. The chart displays the 2023 GDP forecasts of several institutions. These convey a sense of pessimism, with the average forecast being -0.76%. Consensus suggests the UK will experience a […]
Clash 2022 Recording
Edible Economics with Ha-Joon Chang
Edible Economics with Ha-Joon Chang Ha-Joon Chang’s surprise at the homogeneity of British food when he arrived here from South Korea in the 80s drew a significant parallel: there seemed to be one item on the menu of mainstream economic thinking: neoclassical economics. Since then, Chang has been working to broaden the set of […]