The decline in growth in China is contributing to depressing the prices of commodities and the knock-on effect for Africa, Latin America and even Australia is depressing their economies. The economic pain in Latin America …
Chart of the Week: Week 30, 2015: UK Recessions and Recoveries
The preliminary GDP growth figures for the second quarter of the year, released yesterday, showed a recovery from the disappointing growth of the first quarter.
Chart of the Week: Week 28, 2015: UK Housing Affordability
In this year’s edition of our annual chart on housing affordability in the UK (you can see last year’s chart here), the average house price has continued to grow to more than five times earnings, while mortgage affordability has started to improve.
Chart of the Week: Week 27, 2015: EU Government Spending
With the UK Budget due later today, this week’s chart compares total government spending, as a percentage of GDP, across all the EU countries.
Chart of the Week: Week 26, 2015: Greek Bank Deposits
Last week, while discussions over a possible Greek bailout agreement were stalling, the Bank of Greece quietly released their monthly figures for bank deposits.
Chart of the Week: Week 25, 2015: UK Services Growth by Sector
A few weeks ago, we produced a chart which showed how the UK service sector is outperforming other sectors and dragging GDP growth up.