by Damon de Laszlo, ERC Chairman It has been a long time since November, economically. December 2022 probably finally marked the end of a major economic trend. From 2009 to 2021, interest rates drifted downwards. The establishment’s answer to every economic problem was lower interest rates and, to put it crudely, money printing. In […]
November 2022
by Damon de Laszlo, ERC Chairman In October I commented that “the turmoil of September continues and indeed seems to be increasing in many areas”. I had hoped that some stability would be restored to government in the UK, while the loss of the capability to govern, along with ineffective institutions, as well as […]
October 2022
by Damon de Laszlo, ERC Chairman The turmoil of September continues and indeed seems to be increasing in many areas. The lack of stable governments in the UK and Europe, along with ineffective institutions and loss of the will to govern is hopefully reaching the bottom of the cycle. Whether one likes it or […]
September 2022
by Damon de Laszlo, ERC Chairman The world came together to mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II. On view was tradition and pageantry that created a spectacle that many millions watched with sadness and admiration for a person who had given a life of quite unparalleled public service, while living a life under […]
Crisis? What Crisis? The Case of the NHS
Prof. Martin Powell
Clash of the Titans Blog – Q2 2024
As students return to their academic endeavours, we too are back with an update from our Clash of the Titans economic forecasting competition. We’ll delve into the complexities of Q2’s economic variables, reflecting on another period of intriguing developments in the UK’s economic landscape. GDP Growth The UK’s economic performance in Q2 2024 has shown […]