There have been dramatic happenings since July. The US and Europe have further distanced themselves from China and the ASEAN political stage. The US’s abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan is really quite extraordinary, but not entirely exceptional.
Chart of the Week
This year has seen rising fuel prices across all of Europe, however, countries have not been united in their approach to dealing with it.
Professor Peter Davison Obituary
It is with great sadness that we have to announce Professor Peter Davison passed away in the early hours of 16 August. Peter was a great supporter of the ERC and was the Executive Secretary of the ERC for a dozen years from 1992. Peter was born in Newcastle in 1926, the son of a […]
Chart of the Week
Fine particles and pollutants in the air resulting from human activity negatively impact our wellbeing, the NHS, and inadvertently the economy.
Chart of the Week
Summary The number of people employed by the civil service ballooned after the Brexit vote, reversing a long-term trend of declining staff numbers. However, not all grades were affected equally. Proposed reductions in the number of civil servants must take into account the story of the last ten years to ensure the provision of public […]
Chart of the Week
The earnings gap between the advantaged and disadvantaged is often explained using educational attainment, though this week’s chart questions whether more is at play.